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Join the association 


La Coop.FLE is a non-profit association whose objective is to promote the French language and culture. As such, its role is to connect learners with qualified teachers while facilitating relationships and offering free cultural activities and outings. Joining the association allows us to cover the operating budget of the association, but also to offer ever more attractive free events. And if you want to make a donation simply to support us, click on the button  !

Become a member

By becoming a member:

  • You have access to all the courses offered by La Coop.FLE.

  • You are invited to the Annual General Meeting and can participate in the decisions and major orientations of the association. 

  • You are kept informed of events and can even propose some.

  • You have access to monthly Book Club meetings online.

Make a donation

By donating  :

  • You help our young association to grow and develop.

  • You allow us to organize more cultural events allowing the community of learners and teachers to meet. 

  • You promote the development and influence of the French language and culture throughout the world


Quite simply, you like La Coop.FLE, you want to help us, make a donation!

Receive our Newsletter

By receiving our Newsletter  :

  • You are aware of the opening of new courses and new workshops.

  • You know the dates of the next Meetings at the Museum or the next Online Book Club.

  • You won't miss any event organized by La Coop.FLE.


So, write to us just specifying "Newsletter" ​

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