How to register ?
Registration for a general french course is finalised after the first course, which is free. It corresponds to two full hours. This makes it possible to verify that the course is indeed adapted to your level in French and that it meets your expectations in terms of method. Indeed, we attach great importance to the good positioning of each student in our courses because being at the right level and with the right teacher is the basis for learning well.
Registration process

Are you looking for a general French course in a group?
Take the online test first to determine your level unless you are a beginner.
We will answer you quickly by indicating your written level, the courses that may correspond to you and by offering you a short interview on Zoom to assess your oral skills.
Once the course has been chosen, fill in the registration form to confirm your attendance.
The teacher sends you a Zoom invitation to connect to his class.
After the first lesson, choose your package: 20 hours, 30 hours, 40 hour.
Pay your teacher directly via Paypal or bank transfer and continue with the lessons.
Are you looking for an individual French course?
Contact us and we will put you in touch with one of our teachers.
Membership fees for the La Coop.FLE association are compulsory and must be paid online.
The amount of membership is 15 euros and is renewed annually in January.
Membership gives access to certain online activities such as La Coop's monthly Reading Club.
Payment and plans
Payment is made to your teacher either by bank transfer or by Paypal.
By buying a package, you buy a number of hours of lessons that you renew as many times as you want to study French at La Coop.FLE.
Our strengths
Our system is flexible and allows you to manage your learning in complete freedom. You decide how long you want to study.