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Short Programs

Our short programs are designed to help you kick-start your projects in French. Lasting from 1 to 8 weeks, they accomodate small groups (3 to 6 people), and are designed to meet specific objectives: preparing for a trip to a French-speaking country, participating in a university program, applying for a job, etc. Check our calendar for new programs added throughout the year!

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Summer Workshops

Les Ateliers d'été - Summer workshops

Prepare for your vacation in a French-speaking country
Go on vacation confident in your ability to communicate in all the everyday situations you may encounter during your stay.

The summer workshops take the form of an intensive course: 12 hours of lessons spread over 1 week.

Accessible to A1/A2 level and above, they are designed to help you practice speaking in real-life situations, and revise the lexicon and grammatical structures you'll be using during your trip.

Uni'Booster program

Are you participating in an exchange program or enrolling in a course at a French university? The Uni'booster program is designed to help you get your bearings and support you in this challenge.

Offered at the start of the academic year, this 8-week program focuses on communication and using the French language in a university context: learn how to take notes strategically during lectures, write a synthesis, present a bibliography, prepare for an oral presentation, etc.

Level B1 and above.


Write in French

Uni'Booster Program


French for professional purpose

French for professional purpose

Are you working or looking for work in France or a French-speaking country? La Coop.FLE offers you a 5-week program to help you improve your French, gain confidence in your job search and achieve greater fulfilment in your professional life.

Define your professional objectives, learn how to present yourself at a job interview, write your CV and covering letter, master written communication in a professional context, integrate into your team, within a company, learn how to deal with delicate situations ...

Available for levels A2/B1 and above.

Our strengths ?

  • The short programs are designed to meet very specific needs, so you can put your learning into practice straight away.

  • Your teacher will design a "taylor-made" programme, based on authentic documents, to familiarise you with what will be your everyday life and make you feel at ease when the time comes.

  • Very small groups, so you can work in a relaxed but efficient atmosphere!

French online

Contact us by phone

From France:  09 77 21 52 41/

From abroad :+33 977 215 241

Accueil téléphonique

from Monday to Friday

From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (local time)

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